Alex Baskous, M.D., M.P.H.
Board Certified in Family medicine, abfM
Board Certified in occupational medicine, abpm
Board Certified in weight loss management, abbm
Certified in tropical & Traveler’s health, astmh

Alex Baskous, M.D., M.P.H.
Board Certified in Family medicine, abfM
Board Certified in occupational medicine, abpm
Board Certified in weight loss management, abbm
Certified in tropical & Traveler’s health, astmh
Dr. Baskous is board certified in Family Practice, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine (weight loss management), and is certified in Travel Medicine. The many types of care that are available under one roof permit a comprehensive and convenient patient experience.
“We look for creative ways to give our patients the best care possible.”
“...The Hippocratic Oath that we took upon Medical School graduation was more than anything else an affirmation that we physicians will do our best to be worthy of the trust our patients place in us, that we will act in their best interest and that we will advocate for their good health...”
-Alex Baskous, M.D.
2841 DeBarr Suite 24, Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Phone # (907) 279-4953 | Fax #: (907) 334-9667
Hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm, W 8:00am – 5:00pm